An article in USA Today reported returning beachgoers on one Florida beach left 13,000 pounds of trash after reopening. After reading this, I came to question, what new choices will we make as a result of the CoronaVirus? Will, we just slip back into our old paradigm of polluting our land and exploiting the magnificent gifts Mother Nature’s blessed us with? Or, will we build a new narrative, one of mindful acts, conscious consumption, and stewardship for our planet? Change is imminent! It is up to each one of us to decide which direction we want to take and how we choose to show up on our planet. 

As the world re-opens, we have the opportunity to use articles like the one in USA Today, as a reference point for the damage humankind can inflict on our planet and all of its inhabitants, and make a conscious decision to choose better. There are so many amazing stories that have come out of the CoronaVirus – stories of our planet rejuvenating, people spreading love and kindness, and communities coming together to support each other. This is the humanity we know and love. Let’s focus on the good, for as we all know, what we focus on GROWS.

We have compiled a list of stories that help bring hope and positivity in this time of uncertainty.

José Andrés and his nonprofit aim to reopen hundreds of restaurants while feeding needy people.

Celebrity Chef José Andrés is using his non-profit to start a program that will feed vulnerable communities across the country and at the same fund the re-opening of hundreds of independent restaurants that have been closed due to the Coronavirus outbreak. The program promises to pay all costs in preparing 1 million meals at over 400 restaurants throughout the country. 

California animal shelter runs out of adoptable pets amid CoronaVirus outbreak.

In Riverside County California, people sought support from new furry friends, emptying all county adoption centers.

The Himalayas are visible for the first time in 30 years as pollution levels in India drop.

Residents in northern India are reporting that they can see the Himalaya Mountains 125 miles away for the first time in 30 years, due to pollution level drops, from India’s Coronavirus lockdown.

Porch portraits: Families pose during a pandemic.

Photographers all across the country are capturing families during Coronavirus “Safer at Home” policies. One photographer stated: “For the few minutes it takes to complete each shoot, spirits are lifted and attention averted, on both sides of the camera.”

It is possible to see, long-lasting positive environmental change after the Coronavirus passes, but it will depend upon which direction humanity chooses to take after lockdown. In the past we have treated our planet in an unsustainable manner. It is essential that we collectively modify our daily habits to align with nature. Always remember, you have all of the resources to navigate this, and as planetary awareness shifts and communities unite, we can and will Heal The Planet Together.

Choose to be an Ambassador for Change! 

It’s up to each of us to utilize our #100 Power of Choice. See all 100 Ways to Heal The Planet and start to co-create the kind of planet you would like to see.

If this resonates with you please TAKE ACTION NOW and share this with as many others as you can.

#HealThePlanet #100WaysToHealThePlanet #TheConsciousBuyer #CoronaVirus #ChooseLove #SpreadLight #SpreadLove #SaveTheChildren


