#27 Upcycling

The environmental benefits of upcycling, or repurposing, are substantial. Statistics show that 21% of Americans upcycle clothing, boxes, and goods regularly – reducing the need for the production of new goods. Upcycling benefits the environment by reducing the pollutants of air, land and water in the processing of new goods – as well as preventing additional natural resources from being used. It also reduces the amount of excess waste which would otherwise end up in landfills.  

Reuse, Repurpose, Upcycle:

One of the easiest ways to reduce waste is to reduce your consumption. Upcycling is the practice of creating a usable product from waste or unwanted items or adapting an existing product in some way to add value. The purpose of upcycling is to reduce waste and improve the lifespan of the resources used. Let’s take a look at some statistics on upcycling.

Benefits and Facts of Upcycling:

  • Upcycling reduces the strain on valuable resources such as fuel, forests and water supplies – and helps safeguard wildlife habitats.

  • Upcycling reduces air and water pollution.

  • Upcycling results in less hazardous waste production during the manufacturing process.

  • It reduces the amount of waste that will need to be recycled or sent to landfills and incinerators.

  • It saves energy – as well as reducing greenhouse gas emissions which contribute to global climate fluctuations.

  • Upcycling saves you money and allows products to be used to their fullest extent.



Tier 1: Global Goodness

  • It’s online search time! Do you have an item you aren’t sure how to repurpose? Simply search the item online with the word “repurpose” and see what cool things you can find.

  • Maintain your items. Caring for items and maintaining them properly will greatly extend the life of your goods. 

  • Reduce, Reduce, Reduce. Be realistic about what you need and what you simply want.

Tier 2: Planet Protector

  • All of Tier 1.

  • Buy Used. Shopping at used goods stores can reduce the environmental impact on the planet – as well as your pocketbook.

  • Barter with friends or family. If you know someone who wants to get rid of something you need, see if they would be interested in trading for something they need. 

Tier 3: Earth Angel

  • All of Tiers 1 & 2.

  • Share your knowledge. Mindful consumption can be a priority in everyone’s life – if we share our knowledge on the benefits of upcycling.  

  • Borrow items that you only need to use once or twice for a special project. Get involved with your community; by working together, people can pool their goods – making the whole community run more efficiently.  

  • Choose to be an Ambassador for Change, and always Spread Loveand Spread Light.



#26 Overfishing


#28 Styrofoam