#93 Spread Light

Everyone and Everything is energetically connected! Have you ever thought of someone and they call you shortly after? Similarly, when you show up in your light, you have the power to energetically share that light with others and the planet. This is a form of energy transfer – the energy we give out is the energy we exude. The term “Spread Light” represents an all-encompassing term expressing gratitude for each moment and choosing to show up shining your inner light. By connecting to your inner light and essence you are choosing to be at peace within yourself as well as others in every situation raising the vibration of the collective. 

Shining Your Light:

“Spread Light” shines a light on the fact that in our essence, we are all beings of light. We each have the ability to let our light shine through and show up in our highest and best for ourselves and others. When you “Spread Light,” it instills light and love in everything you do, touch, as well as in everyone you encounter.We are powerful spiritual light beings who together can bring about monumental change upon our planet.

Spreading Light:

  • Being able to spread your light starts with connecting to your own inner light. In essence, loving your unique, perfectly-imperfect self. Start by recognizing the power you hold as a spiritual being and work to continually increase self-love.    

  • Be willing to open your heart to others. Don’t let past traumas or scenarios dictate your present moment or future.  

  • Aspire to remain positive. We are all responsible (response-able) for the energy we give out, choose to keep it positive. 

  • Operate with intentionality. Examples of showing up with intention include; connecting with the cashier in the store – ask them a thoughtful question and listen intently, blessing someone with a random act of kindness.  

  • Forgive yourself and anyone who has, knowingly or unknowingly, caused you harm. People do the best they can from their level of awareness, including you.  Forgiveness is imperative to raising your vibration and spreading your light.


How Can I Make An Impact ?

Tier 1: Global Goodness

  • Start your day by saying: “Today, I aim to share love and light by thinking of at least one good thought. I will make this happen by acknowledging I am light and I am love.”

  • Think positive thoughts.

  • Make a point to do at least 3 things in your day that bring you joy.

Tier 2: Planet Protector

  • All of Action 1

  • Listen to your needs and the needs of others. When we actively listen, we acknowledge ourselves and the needs of others – tapping into our light and connecting to others with compassion and understanding.

  • Do a good deed, or bless someone with a random act of kindness.

Tier 3: Earth Angel

  • All of Action 1 & 2

  • Give Boldly. One of the most fulfilling acts we can do is be of service to others. Whether it is your time, a kind note, words of encouragement, a thoughtful gift or even a simple loving hello or good morning. Showing up in this giving manner spreads light and positive energy for both parties.

  • Choose to be an Ambassador for Change, and always Spread Love and Spread Light.

  • “There are two ways of spreading light, to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.” -Edith Wharton.



#92 Human Trafficking


#94 Soybean Production