#63 Carbon Footprint

Are you aware the people produce more CO2 than volcanoes? Humans emit approximately 40 billion metric tons of CO2 annually, with volcanoes emitting 90% less – at a mere 0.15 billion metric tons. Humanity, by far, creates the most detrimental impact to our planet. It is critical that we reduce our individual greenhouse gas emissions for the future of our planet.

The Human Footprint:

Carbon footprint is defined as the total amount of greenhouse gases produced to directly and indirectly usually expressed in equivalent tons of carbon dioxide. Your carbon emissions are the sum of all greenhouse gas emissions. From heating your house and driving your car – to the food your purchase – the choices you make everyday are effecting your individual carbon footprint. Developed countries typically have much higher levels of individual carbon emissions – with developing nations emitting just a fraction of developed nations. Take a look at these facts on carbon footprints.

Air Pollution Facts:

  • A gallon of gasoline in the US contributes 8.7 kilograms of CO2 per unit.

  • By driving two miles, 0.88 kilograms of carbon dioxide is released into the air – but walking the same distance only releases 0.039 kilograms – and riding a bicycle 0.017 kilograms of carbon dioxide.

  • The average American is responsible for 15.53 tonnes of CO2 per person every year.

  • China leads the world in CO2 emissions as a whole – but the average Chinese citizen is responsible for only 6.59 tonnes of CO2.

  • The average Kenyan has a footprint of just 0.3 tonnes of CO2.

  • The EPA revealed that indirect carbon emissions related to electricity rose by 19% over the 1990-2015 time period.

  • Food production accounts for 83% of all carbon dioxide equivalent emissions.


How Can I Make An Impact ?

Action 1: Global Goodness

  • Reduce your drive time. Reduction in transportation emissions can help reduce the your overall greenhouse gas emissions. Carpool with a friend or coworker by carpooling – or give public transportation a try.

  • Conserve energy. Whether it is at home, work, school, or anywhere you frequent – use mindfulness in your energy consumption.

Action 2: Planet Protector

Action 3: Earth Angel

  • All of Action 1 & 2

  • Get energy efficient appliances – look for the Energy Star label.

  • Upgrading to a new vehicle soon? Look into hybrids, electric or cars getting at least 35 mpg.

  • Choose to be an Ambassador for Change, and always Spread Love and Spread Light.



#62 EMF Pollution


#64 Dams