#90 Animal Testing

Are you aware that each year over 100 million animals are killed from animal testing and or training? Or, that these animals including; rats, frogs, mice, rabbits, cats, dogs, hamsters are confined in cages and forced to live in isolation? Animal testing has been going on for decades and the torture and death of these animals go practically unnoticed. Inflicting physical and psychological pain on these animals in the name of science is unethical – the time has come to ban animal testing.  

Animal Experiments:

Did you know that through your taxes, charitable donations, and purchasing consumer products, you are unknowingly supporting animal testing? One of the largest sources of funding comes from publicly funded government granting agency NIH (National Institute of Health) who has budgeted over 30 million dollars annually for research and development. Unfortunately, there are many loopholes in the laws protecting these animals – and it is difficult to find accurate statistics on how many animals are being affected. 

Animal Testing Facts:

  • The US spends $16 billion dollars annually for animal testing at tax payers’ expense.  

  • More than 115 million animals worldwide are used in laboratory experiments every year.

  • Charities such as the March of Dimes, American Cancer Society, and others fund experiments on animals.

  • Animal Welfare Act (AWA), allows animals to be burned, shocked, poisoned, isolated, starved, forcibly restrained, addicted to drugs, and brain-damaged. No experiment, no matter how painful or trivial, is prohibited, and painkillers are not even required. 

  • Cosmetic testing only accounts for a very small percentage of animal testing, the rest is medical. 

  • Up to 95% of the animals used in experiments are not protected under the AWA.

  • Every year, at least 320,000 primates, dogs, pigs, goats, sheep, rabbits, cats, and other animals are hurt and killed by the Department of Defense.

  • The NIH has noted that 95% of all drugs that are effective in animal tests fail in human trials because they didn’t work or are dangerous.

  • According to the Humane Society, registration of a single pesticide requires more than 50 experiments and the use of as many as 12,000 animals.


How Can I Make An Impact ?

Tier 1: Global Goodness

  • Look for the Cruelty-Free or Leaping Bunny labels. Always support companies that are standing up for animal rights and refuse to do any animal testing.   

  • Inform yourself and others. Do your research on the truth behind animal testing, and share your findings with your friends and family. The more we can share this information, the more opportunity we give people to make an informed decision.  

Tier 2: Planet Protector

  • All of Action 1

  • If you are in college, speak again animal dissection. These types of educational experiments simply aren’t necessary.  

  • Support charities that are working to stop animal research and testing. Find a cause that resonates with you, and donate your time or resources.

Tier 3: Earth Angel

  • All of Action 1 & 2

  • If a company tests on animals, speak up against it. Companies depend on consumers. When consumers stand up for change, companies will be forced to use other resources in testing products and drugs.  

  • Choose to be an Ambassador for Change, and always Spread Love and Spread Light.



#89 Exercise


#91 Obesity Epidemic