It’s a challenging time on our planet physically, mentally and emotionally, however, it’s a stellar opportunity spiritually. The human tendency is to drop into fear, scarcity and survival mode in difficult times. Ideally, we can each choose to focus on what is in our control and release what we cannot control. Knowing what you can and cannot control is critical in times of uncertainty. Worrying takes us out of the present moment and into a false reality. Cultivating a practice of returning to the present moment and focusing on aspects that are in our control, is an excellent way to maintain equanimity.

Two words that come to mind in these times are surrender and trust. Surrender to the things we cannot control and trust that everything will work out. The bigger question to ask yourself is “how would I like to feel or experience myself as I move through this situation?” If I allow fear (ego) to run the show, I will cause myself to experience lots of unnecessary self inflicted suffering.  

What can I do?
Always remember that you have all the inner resources to navigate this, and any other similar type situation you encounter. Do your best to stay connected to your heart. In this current predicament here are some ideas for your consideration:

1. Stop watching the news. If you have to watch it, limit your time to 10 minutes once a day, and only if you must, no more than 10 minutes twice a day. Setting an alarm is an excellent tool to  remain disciplined.

2. Do something that brings you back into peace and alignment. 
  – Meditation 
  – Breathing techniques
  – Read a good book
  – Play games with family 
  – Get out into nature
  – Revisit a hobby

3. Most of all, try your best not to allow the CoronaVirus to creep its way into every conversation you have with others. Talking about this, or anything unsettling, just serves to anchor negativity and manifests additional fear and upset.

We each have the opportunity to “be light bearers.” Instead of seeing social distancing, or mandatory shelter in place negatively, shift your perspective to see them as acts intended to protect us as a whole. Focus your energy on what you can do instead of what you can’t. For instance, this can be a perfect opportunity to pursue something you have always desired to do but never had the time. Cultivate joy, peace and stillness.

“To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders.” ~Lao Tzu

Choose to be an Ambassador for Change! Visit our 100 Ways To Heal The Planet #51Loving Kindness Meditation to learn how you can make a positive impact.

It’s up to each of us to utilize our #100 Power of Choice. See all 100 Ways to Heal The Planet and start to co-create the kind of planet you would like to have.

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